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Monday, June 1, 2015

Madison, Where are you?

Made it to Washington, now just waiting for Madison to join us.  Of course, like all babies, she will join us when SHE is ready.  We are all anxious so the best thing to do is stay busy.  We continue to do the typical "nesting" activities...we have washed all the clothes and bedding...set up rooms and spaces throughout the house for feeding and diapering.  I also helped fill her freezer with over 30 meals that can be taken out and popped in the oven on those rough days when they are tired.  However, there are still times when we feel the anxiety too much as we anticipate little bundle of joy, so we started planning day trips.  Here are some of our adventures:

One of our first activities was to cool off at a swimming pool near the bay.  Christina had a friend who manages a hotel resort and she allowed us to take the dive.  It was nice to be inside as it was cold and misty outside.  It was interesting to be so close to a beach and not walk into the water.  In Texas, this would have been the preferred option by late May.  However, Texas seems to be having cooler weather with severe rain storms right now also.

A couple of days later I made the suggestion that we meet Christina's friend just in case she was needed to watch my children when we raced to the hospital.  We met at an amazing local park.  There is even a 9-11 memorial there that we were able to visit.  We loved it so much that we would return many times!  I am not sure why I worried about the children playing well together.  Everyone acted as if they had been best friends forever.  Lexy and Ana are sweet ladies and I am glad we were able to meet and spend time together.  We would spend many play dates together during the weeks we enjoyed in Washington.

Photo op in various spots around town took place on the first weekend.  Shane and Christina are good models and so much fun to photograph.  They were full of energy and willing to pose as I asked or make up their own fun poses.  After four locations, however, we were all exhausted.  Much to our surprise we almost found ourselves stuck on the wrong side of the beach front as tide came glad we were ready to go home at that time so we could make it back for just one more pre-baby pose before resting that evening!  There is no way to share a lot of these photos as we took over 1000 photos that day.  Here is my favorite and a few more:

Celebrating birthdays for those who were not with us was fun yet sad.  We sure do miss having Michael and Amanda close by to enjoy another year of celebration.  So we ate ramen noodles in honor of Amanda and sent packages to them both.  And of course, talked about the upcoming birthday that we do not know when to expect...anticipation high here at this time.  Where are you, Madison?

So...we got very anxious as we twiddled our thumbs waiting.  SO...I suggested a day trip to Mt. Ranier National Park.  It was only two hours easy trip!  We only questioned our judgment when I realized we would not have phone coverage half way there and none of us thought to tell Shane that we were going anywhere.  We worried a little about him trying to call and thinking she was in labor without him...but then we arrived at the park and saw the beauty and we got distracted by the fun we could have there.  We came at a great was still a little cool and misty but the snow had melted and we were able to see waterfalls and flowers blooming everywhere.  There was also a few piles of snow for the young ones to enjoy.  We were so excited to find that they have bluebonnets and were able to have a picture taken.  I wanted this so much earlier in the year.  We all agreed a second trip with the older boys and Shane was in the future...maybe with Madison too!  We arrived home an hour after Shane but were able to call him so he did not worry too much.  However, we never thought anyone else might try to call us...we had a lot of explaining to do along with tales of our adventures!

Our next day trip would be a little closer to home and with Shane.  We visited an interesting water park.  It is at the gates of the naval shipyard and has spouts that look like the tops of submarines.  Every few minutes to water would build up and send out a large splurge of water high into the air.  I happened to notice Christina was in a great pose for her announcement to the world that labor would begin soon.  We all enjoyed the fun as the passers-by looked at us like we were crazy!

We had tried many ways to bring on labor and allow us to see our little Madison.  What better way than eating lots of various foods!  I made food at home...but the best choice was the spicy food around town.  Christina tried Mexican food and Thai food...tropical fruits and espresso....none seemed to help but it was a lot of fun trying!  I did become quite fond of the frapes from a local coffee shop and will miss them terrible....Thank you Simply Espresso for your amazing drinks!

I did not feel too bad about our long day trip after I found out that Shane was determined to go to a local Renaissance Fair for the day.  The children and I chose to stay home and clean house and cook more freezer meals, while Christina and Shane enjoyed thus adventure.  I am not sure what the monkey has to do with this time period but it was a cute picture from their day.  I am glad they were able to get away and enjoy themselves with friends.

With still no signs of baby Madison arriving...we made one more day trip...we drove to Tacoma to visit their Glass Museum.  We were in for a real treat as there is always a glass blower demonstration each day from local artists.  We loved seeing the molten glass form into a work of art before us.  Then we walked around the art on display.  We also found there were many museums within walking distance.  I think another trip to Tacoma is in our future!

Still no signs of baby when we went to see the midwife.  Christina was getting anxious but I felt the time was close...only time would tell.

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