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Monday, December 1, 2014

Amber Alert!

About a month ago, I was just walking around a little resale shop trying to find some cute outfits for Zaira.  I was heading toward the back of the store when a young girl approached me and asked for help.  I did not think much about this request at first.  I was glad to help her...thinking she needed me to help her with something on a higher rack.  I was a little surprised when she said that she was afraid because a man in the store wanted to take her away from the store!

I asked her where her parents were and was told that they had dropped her off to shop.  That was as  big a red flag as the man in the store!  She was only NINE YEARS OLD!!!!  I told her I was leaving the store and I wanted her to stay with me.  My thoughts were racing a mile a minute but I stayed calm and kept her by my side as I checked out.

These were my thoughts:

  • How can I protect this girl from the man? Keep her away from him.
  • Why did her parents leave her alone?  I cannot believe this is possible!
  • Can I get her out of the store safely so we can call 9-1-1?  I will protect her no matter what happens.
  • Is this a scam to get me to give her money or do me some harm?  I have to take the chance.
  • Am I willing to take that risk and help her anyway? YES!!!
  • Why is it taking so long to check out?!?!!?  Stay calm and reassure the girl that everything would be OK.

I finally got the clothes purchased, and we began to walk out of the store.  Then a group of people surrounded me and asked me what was happening!  I was thinking that this was a good question!  What WAS happening?

I told them I was trying to help this little girl because a man was trying to take her from the store.  This is when I realized the group surrounding us was a camera crew and a reporter!

They asked me some questions and told me that I had done the right thing.  I was surprised when they told me that many people did not want to help the little girl!

SO...I made the news!  I do not watch TV but they told me they were doing a report like a show called "What Would You Do?"  They did not know when their report would broadcast but it might take a couple of months.  Since I do not watch TV, I just thanked them for the story and left feeling good that I did the right thing.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to church and a friend told me she saw me on the news.  I decided to see if there was a internet site with the report.  I did not have any luck finding it.  So I let it go again.

Then I went back to the store today and they told me to check out their website to find the link.  Cool!  I found it and thought I would share.  AND I am sure I do not have to tell you, BUT if you are ever approached...take a might prevent a real Amber Alert.

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