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Monday, November 18, 2013

Remembering the Twelve

I will never forget the day we heard about the Bonfire stack falling...we were living in Germany at the time and it was one of the few times when I thought the ocean was too wide...I missed Texas terribly and wanted to be home and prayed that it was all a bad could something so awful happen during such a unifying tradition as Bonfire.  Still today...I think that part of Aggieland died along with the twelve souls taken from us.

I could go on and on about those feelings...but what I thought I would focus on tonight is the memorial set up at the site of the accident.  I have always wanted to go see the site but knew it would be emotional and steered away from that moment until this weekend.  We were passing through Aggieland and we had to wait for an appointment so it was one of those moments when a good idea actually matches with the moment.  I had not even thought about the anniversary of the event when we drove up to the entrance...I have had a few other things on my mind of was not until we were at the site that I stopped to realize it was only two days away.

As Henry, Zaira, and I walked around we noticed the symbolism that would only be realized by an Aggie and other points that just made sense...we would later read about the different elements of the memorial and smile with appreciation.  It was a good time as we learned a little more those lost and how proud they were to be a part of the tradition that would lead to their end.  It made me stand a little prouder as I reflected on being an Aggie...part of a group of amazing people.  I have no real words of wisdom in the experience except to treasure life and those we hold I thought I would just share the images molded into the stone that represents the twelve.  Then I end with a picture that shows the intent of the memorial...that we stand in their absence as Aggies so they are never forgotten.

Gig 'em Ags!  AND know...we mark you present with a loud call out "Here!"  

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