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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Simple Machines

I could not be more proud of Christina today!  She turned in her final project for Physics today!  We learned a lot about simple machines and how to create a chain reaction from a single action over the last two weeks.  She tried several different ways to make this happen and persevered through trial and error to make it work.

The idea is based on Rube Goldberg Project, which uses the six basic simple machines to create a process with a specific goal.  Christina was asked to use the following simple machines:

  • Inclined Plane
  • Wheel and Axle
  • Screw
  • Pulley
  • Lever
  • Wedge

AND...she was asked to either turn on/off a switch OR raise a flag...OR fill a container.  She originally thought she would fill a glass with ice and Dr. Pepper (surprise! surprise!) but she never could quite get the process to work and we were running out of time.  She did try several different configurations without success but continued to try.  Finally, she decided to try a different goal of raising a flag.

This was a good idea and she took it above and beyond the simple flag raising by creating a patriotic theme, which included reciting the American Pledge as her finale!  She decorated the surrounding area with patriotic fans and had the boys recite the pledge with her in the background.  Amanda had the special job of starting the process and Katy encouraged her to "get it done!"  I got the job of filming the entire process which was also a big part of the assignment (to make a music video).

After the initial filming took place, we realized the video was way to short (it needed to be 2 minutes and we only had 30 seconds!)...SO...Christina and Amanda went back to the set up and filmed each simple machine separately.  This helped with the length of the video and was a good idea any way because it allowed each step to be highlighted in slow motion.

In walks the film editor expert in the group.  Katy showed Christina how to use a movie editing program that would allow her to create a video...adding music and pauses in order to hear her recite the pledge...also it allowed her to put the film in slow motion for the separate process steps.  I am not much on heavy metal music but I think the song was a great choice for this video and really set the tone for the entire video.

She was not done after this was complete!  Christina still had to type up a machine analysis to show the different types of energy and motions were used in the process.  I had flashbacks to my college years and was thankful I did not need to help her very much to get this part done.  All that potential energy in my brain does not transfer to kinetic energy as quick as it once did!  LOL!

We had a lot of fun and the boys learned a lot in the process.  I realized one more reason why we I don't have to stress out about deadlines and grades (although I do set them...I can be more lenient with our schedule.  I worried about her turning in the project...formatting and including all the parts...all day!  It really is not due until next week but she has other things happening this week (more on that later!) so we wanted to get it done.  So...I told her to show her teacher and see if she needed to change anything.

I don't know why I worried...the teacher loved it!  She watched the video and loved it!  So...great job, Christina!  Another class complete and only nine more days until school is done for the year!

If you want to see the video...take a look at my Facebook!

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