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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday...the first day of Lent...40 Days leading up to Easter...traditionally this is a time to give up some vice that takes us away from God's loving graces.

Our family all have taken on different forms of penance.  Michael and Sean chose to spend at least 10 minutes each day in silent prayer, along with an hour on Sundays.  Henry and I gave up electronic devices, unless needed for school or work.  Edward is going to try to give up some of his Lego time to pray.  As a family we will avoid eating out so we can save this money to give to the Pregnancy Help Center.

I also wanted to reflect on a thought I had when we went to Mass today.  I had one of those Jonah moments...I have to admit that is was not a good moment in my life.  I could imagine myself in Jonah's position...sitting on the hill above Ninevah wondering why God would save such a wicked city.  Looking out at the CROWD that filled the little college chapel (standing room only!), I just felt so surprised by the rush of emotion that went through me.  There were so many people that are normally not present from week to week.  I asked myself what would bring them in such droves to this Mass.

Repentance...there is that inner need deep within even the worst of sinners to repent.  Maybe they do not even realize this need but they still come...drawn to the Father for forgiveness....drawn to the Son who is merciful...drawn by the Spirit for guidance.

I am reminded with the imposition of the ashes on my forehead that I am no different then anyone else who comes before the Lord...

"Remember, you are dust and to dust you will return."

Who am I to judge those that come to find a way to meet this inner need?  I cannot reject those that God loves so much in spite of their outward or inward appearances.  God loves them just as much as He loves me....and am I not as bad as these with my own vices to repent?

My hope is to spend my Lent reflecting on this and try to improve my own walk with God....that I may rent the cloth that binds me to my sins and take up the penitential forms of ashes and sackcloth.  May this be an inward journey that leads to the joy of Easter.

For me this meant something drastic.  I have decided to take away all unnecessary computer use from my life during this time. I will only come on the computer once a day in the evenings. I have become quite attached to this medium and I am hoping that if I can do this I will be able to spend more time in prayer and more time with my family, instead of having my computer attached to my fingertips.

Also, know that even though I might not know your exact needs as I would reading your many Facebook posts and emails, I will be be praying for all my family and friends throughout this time. God knows your needs and just the mention of your name will be enough to open God's graces to assist you through lives joys and sorrows.

God bless and may this be a time of yearning for God's love in your life as well.

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