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Monday, November 30, 2020

This New Plan Did Not Go So Well

November 30 (Monday)...

Well, I have been holding off on an update mainly because I was having a busy week (like the rest of you I am sure!), but also because I was not sure what I wanted to report.  I have always said I would be honest and no sugar coating this story.  And I want to hold true to that because I never know if someone reading this might be having a hard time and need to know that they are not alone.  

I began the new medicine last Monday and all went well the first day.  The second day I was starting to feel the side effects.  Let's just trips to the restroom became more frequent.  It was rough and I spent a lot of the time resting in between the bustle of the week.  I was so thankful to not only celebrate Thanksgiving, but my mom's 80th birthday as well.  

I was a little concerned that my mom's special day would not be what she expected.  However, she is a trooper and happy to just be with family and hear from family and friends through cards, phone calls, and social media wishes.  She even had her favorite dessert...lemon meringue pie...through the help of some friends who had no idea that their special treat would come just when it needed to be delivered.  It still disappointed me that I could not make it myself, but I knew God once again gave us what we needed to celebrate life!  

The week continued like that and soon a terrible headache was added to the mix.  It was frustrating because I wanted to be well for the holiday.  I finally realized that the best choice for everyone was for me to sit back and let the preparations be handled by the rest of the crew...keep it simple and it would be fine.  And that got us through Thanksgiving.  We are blessed!  God is good!

Then we spent Friday preparing for a few of my brothers to come celebrate with us on Saturday.  Just a few extra and a small celebration.  We would zoom with those who could not come.  Thankfully, the meal was planned well in advance and ready to go.  Also, the crew were all home (including our College Guy) to get everything ready.  The guests arrived...we had a great time!  But I was not feeling well at this point.  I was now adding nausea to the mix.  Even the thought of food makes me nauseous.  Ugh!  

By Sunday afternoon, I was seriously thinking about stopping the medicine.  I was going to call Dr. Drengler and tell him there had to be a better way.

The funny thing is that I still had the desire to share God's message with others.  I have now added videos about Advent to my "to do" list.  I want to share what I know about the traditions and the preparation of the season.  And, I actually feel more focused in my thoughts.  Maybe I needed to lose some of my energy to listen and find focus.  Then push forward and make it happen.  

Yesterday, our family spent time enjoying the discussion of generosity and sharing after reading Stone Soup (a tradition we have had in our house for over 10 years and we still gain from the story!)  We also discussed how the concept of time travel and other dimensions without figuring in the soul would be difficult to explain.  Some interesting conversations at the dinner table for sure!

I guess what I want to spite of the struggle...I learned that some times less is more.  Some things will need to be put to the side, and then we can focus on being a family without the busy-ness.  I know I have said this before...I just needed the reminder as the days for all of us get busy and we forget the real reason we enter into this season.  

Today...I woke up and still had a headache...I still had nausea...but I decided that the best thing to do...ride the coaster through this round.  Next Monday, I will talk to the doctor about what to expect for the next time.  I pray it will be easier or we have a plan to help with the side effects.  

Today...I also had a phone call from radiologist half way through the morning.  I was to report to the clinic as soon as possible to have my practice run for radiation.  It was different than last round of radiation.  The mask had to be a little snugger...I had to be held down a little more than before...but I made it through the experience with prayer.  The Thursday radiation should go quickly. 


I made it home to find dinner ready and the older boys ready to go out the door with Michael.  That left me with the littles to read our Advent book of the day...a cute story about a family who brought Christmas to their town (An Early American Christmas).  We talked about how it was okay to be counter-culture.  We know that we are working toward being closer to God.  

So once again, I pray that as I take this cancer roller coaster that others will learn from my experience.  I will make it through this too.  And I will be better for the experience.  Praise God!!!


Roz McHugh Fagan

Prayers for peace and comfort through the treatment side effects!

Paula Thompson Havard

I am so honored to witness your journey, albeit from afar, as you bless me. I love you and hope you got the card from us.

Monday, November 23, 2020

A Different Torture Device

November 23 (Monday)... proved my theory.  I was told ahead of time all the side effects and how terrible today was going to be. Normally, I ignore all the warnings and just let the chips fall where they may, as the saying goes. But this time I could not get those thoughts out of my mind, so I fretted about what might happen...just in the back of my mind...not consuming me. But I figured I must be a little stressed about it because I woke up with a terrible headache this morning. 

So off I went to my treatment appointments wondering what the day would be like for me. 

In the end, the day went smoothly. I had no side effects and I even finished up early. 

I actually started the day with a protein-rich breakfast so I could take my first round of medication (Xeloda) along with my typical vitamin mix. This is my chemo in pill form. 

Then I arrived at the center for my CT scan (with contrast injection). I had an amazing team who created my new face mask. It was probably the closest I have come to spa treatment in this adventure. In order to make the mask, they had to wrap the plaster sheets around the back of my head and form it while it cooled. In order to keep it molded to my head they rubbed my bald head. I must admit it felt nice. But with every joy there must be discomfort... I suppose. <SIGH>. Then they placed the plaster over my mouth and asked me to hold a hard piece of plastic in my mouth to mark the spot. This is probably too much information but I have a very active saliva gland (every dentist has told me this over the years). All i could think about throughout the entire process was asking God not to let me drowned in my own spit. 😜. Haha!  But I didn’t... I survived ... and I hope I never have to make another one those masks again. God willing!!  Really I am being was not that bad and the team was very sensitive to my needs. 

I was finished with a lot of time to spare but I went on to my next treatment upstairs. I was willing to wait until my scheduled time but the receptionist insisted she could get me in early. 

Lickety split and I was in with Nurse Cody (my no nonsense nurse). He had me going on my IV medicine (Zometa) that will help to strengthen my bones. That was over in less than thirty minutes. He told me he had my shot ready and I could go to the private room for that treatment. 

I was surprised that he had it ready so quickly. I was told the medication would be frozen and taken out when I arrived and take 45 minutes to thaw. I was also told it would be given in the abdominal area. Nope...not frozen and I got a nice quick shot (Lanreoride) in my rear. Quick and easy and out the door before noon. Nice!  

I even had time to go to the store for the last of our turkey day meal. Then headed home to enjoy the afternoon. Yay!!

I have now taken my second round of pills. No problems there. 

So what I thought was going to be a hard day, turned out to be an easy day that was far worse in my imagination. I think I will stick with the plan of being naively optimistic. 

So far no side effects and I am praying it will stay that way. Thanks for all your prayers as I am sure these prayers and my guardian angel were the reason for my success today. May God continue to listen to your prayers. God bless!!


Jean Moses

You are one brave, optimistic, faithful follower of Christ!! I’m grateful to God for your inspiring posts!! You are definitely in my daily prayers!!

Raquel Eichelman

Praying for you every night my sweet friend (((hugs))))

Friday, November 20, 2020

Not the Best of Plans But Willing to Try

November 20 (Friday)... seems like everything happened all at once late this afternoon. I was on the phone with one person after another to set up the schedule for my new plan. It looks like we got everything crammed into one day next Monday. 

I will now be taking more medicine in two weeks then I have in my entire life up until now!  Some of the pills have to be taken with food, while others must be taken on an empty stomach. All the pills must be taken twice a day. The medicine will continue for two weeks followed by a two week recovery period. I repeat this schedule of medication for three months. And whatever happens may effect me the same as my previous treatment or the side effects may be completely different. 

Add to this new regime, I also will need a monthly visit to the center to hook up with a bone strengthening medication via an IV.  And a hormone repressive shot given in my abdomen. 

As if that was not enough fun for my Monday afternoon, my radiologist found out I had a little extra time in the morning. Haha!  So, I am scheduled to have a new face mask made for my brain radiation. This includes a CT scan to line up my body markings (tattoos) for the next step in that process. If all goes well with that, then i will likely have the radiation on my brain tumor next Thursday. 

Hmmm...reading over this post before sending it out to you...I sound kind of whiny. I hope you don’t see it that way too. I think it is just all so new to me and I am not used to all this medication and care. I also want to document all that is happening so I can keep track of the changes in treatment. I really do feel blessed to have doctors who know what to do to care for me. I go in ready to get the job done.  

Thank you all for the continued prayers. God bless you!


Bette Drewry Bittner

NOT whiny. This is a huge journey. And strangely complicated at times, right?

You're amazing!

Amy Minke

Not whiny... just reporting. Now we know how to pray for you.

Kimberly Kocmoud

You don’t sound whiny at all and I even hear a laugh when you wrote about the radiologist finding out you had a little time “open” in the morning. Praying blessings and healing over you!

Angie Fischer Artho

Not whiny at all! I remember telling mom's nurse one time that all the treatments were like having a full time job! Next week my kitchen *should* be functional again and I'd love to bring y'all a meal from our newly remodeled (and dry! Lol) space.

Brenda Mark


Always. This journey has many aspects. Your courage and Faith is an amazing testimony

Monday, November 16, 2020

Waiting for a Plan

November 16 (weekend update)....

“Lord Jesus, open the eyes of my heart and mind that I may see and understand the truth and goodness of your word. May I never fail to recognize your presence with me and to call upon your saving grace in my time of need and healing."

This was my daily prayer for the morning. I think it says what is heavy on my heart today. As much as I have enjoyed a break from treatment, I know I need to get back on track to keep up the good that the medicine is doing for my body. 

Still waiting for the new plan to begin. 

This weekend I was able to enjoy all the things I love. Mass...teaching...time with family (a game of favorite board game!)...time with my parish...geocaching ...and time in my sun room. 

God is good!  He knows me and my needs!  Amen!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

One More Time with the Radiologist (?)

 November 11 (Wednesday)...

Today I was able to meet with my radiologist.  We all agreed that we had hoped to never see each other again.  Unfortunately, that was not meant to be.  Dr. Zubyk told me it broke her heart to know that the report showed cancer in my cerebellum.  However, once she started looking, the area was so small she knew she would be able to treat the area without any problem.  

I will need a new mask for this procedure.  It will be a little different from the past treatments.  I am now getting treatment on the edge...really...the treatment equipment is called the Edge!  So I guess I will need to be a little more careful to not have this cancer spread anymore...who knows where it will take me next!

She did mention that there was a chance that my brain would not remove the dead cells after the radiation.  I asked her how likely this was to happen, and her response was that she had only had complications twice in her 20+ years of radiology.  Oh!  Why did she have to tell me that?!?  I told her that I have been in the 1% category all along the way!  She told me that she rejected that thought.  We would remain positive in all of this!  

So as long as I have a "good" brain, the dead cells will slough off and all will be fine.  The most likely side effect will come a week after treatment in the form of a headache and possible nausea.  If I have a "bad" brain, then I will have balance and movement issues.  Or possibly no noticeable issues but I will have a follow up MRI in the next six months that would show swelling.  If this occurs, I will need to be placed on a month long steroid treatment.  

Praying that my "good" brain does the hard part and all goes well.  I am not sure when this treatment will take place.  A lot of coordination will have to take place right before the holiday season.  I will not only need to be scheduled at a clinic with the Edge equipment, but also coordinate the schedules of both my radiologist and neurosurgeon.  

So I wait for this treatment to happen along with my new chemo plan.  I still have not heard back from Dr. Drengler's nurse, but I am sure it is in the approval process and will happen next week. 


In the mean time, I will enjoy this short break in treatment to get out and enjoy this beautiful fall weather.  God bless to all!


Heidi Callison Smith

Most people worry about Left Brain/Right Brain issues - leave it to you to need Good Brain prayers! I'll be praying!! 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Facing the Consequences for Having Fun

November 9 (Monday)...

I was really not feeling well this morning. I blame the fun I had yesterday but have no regrets. My body just cannot seem to handle a lot of extra activity. I have just learned to make it work and save the next day as a day close to home for rest.

I only went out long enough this morning to go to Mass. I felt such strength in this message from God’s Word:

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for the temple of God, which you are, is holy.”     1 Corinthians 3:16-1

I just felt like God was telling me that no matter my matter how my body crumbles from disease... I can remain healthy as a temple of God indwelled by the Holy Spirit. 

Maybe God knew I needed to hear that message today. I left Mass with this on my mind and wrapped it around me as I prepared for my doctor appointments of the day. 

Today I had my first appointment scheduled at 10:30am. A follow up with my neurosurgeon that I was pretty sure would go well, since I think my back feels good most days. I did not actually see Dr. Jude until almost noon. I did not mind as it was a telemed visit and I just worked with our Little Miss on school while we waited. 

As expected, he told me all looked great and I was released from his care unless I needed him for further assistance. I reaffirmed that I was allowed to drive again. Then I thanked him for his great care. Of course, my goal is to never need his help again. 😃

Then I had just enough time to grab a quick bite to eat before setting myself up for my appointment with Dr. Drengler. I was a little more leery about this appointment. I really did not know what to expect because I was not even sure what the scans would reveal. 

When you meet with Dr. Drengler, it is like sitting down for a talk on your front porch. He never seems to be stressed and does not cause you to worry even when he is going to tell you something serious. So, when he started my appointment, he just asked how I was feeling and if I had enjoyed my weeks off from treatment. 

Then he told it to me straight. He told me he had some good news and some bad news. This seems to be the way these appointments go with me. 

The good news was the PET Scan did not have my body lighting up like a Christmas tree like it did back in May. So, I guess the bad news is we will not be able to save on our electric bill come December when we will need to buy lights to put around our tree again!  Haha

He told me the liver tumors continued to shrink and are now manageable through the use of oral medication. This will still be a chemo treatment, but I can do it from home. 

The bad news came when he told me about the MRI of the brain. A 3mm size tumor was found on the right side cerebellum. Dr. Drengler seemed to think this was found early and treatable with no other abnormalities in the brain. He already set up a plan of action to meet with Dr. Zubyk to begin radiation. In fact, I already have a consultation appointment for this Wednesday with her. 

Dr. Drengler feels like the chemo has helped reduce the possibility of the cancer spreading to other organs and tissues. We now have the primary liver and bone cancers at a manageable level. And now we will work to minimize the spread of the cancer through monthly injections and oral chemo (2 week cycles on and off). We will then reevaluate the progression every three months. 

The good news about this new treatment plan is the oral chemo he will prescribe is one of the few medications the brain allows to enter and help reduce cancer cells. So it is like the medication is doing double work for my body. 

Once again I feel like the news I am given is hard to digest. I spent the afternoon just wanting time alone. Once I got it all in my head ( no pun intended), I was able to think about what it means to me. 

Just as I began my day, I will end it. I reflect on my body as a temple of God indwelled by the Spirit. I will hold on to the vision that my soul is healthy with the goodness of God. Then I can continue to thrive in spreading the message of God’s saving grace. 

It is like the verse I shared on my main Facebook page:

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”  Proverbs 17:22

And, it is then that I know I have much to be thankful and I am well in my soul, as the old hymn tells us. God bless you!  Praise be to God!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Finding Comfort for My Mom and Her Procedure

November 6 (Friday)...

Yesterday was a very full and tiring day. My mom had her heart procedure yesterday. However, our first concern of the day was that we not miss Mass for Friday (a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus). so we made every effort to make this possible before heading to the hospital.  Besides, what better way to start the day than with our Lord!

She also spoke about wishing the liturgy of the day would give her some peace of mind. Before Mass I was asked to lector. I later told her that while I reflected on the first reading of the Mass, I thought of her:

“He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified Body by the power that enables him also to bring all things into subjection to himself.”Phillipians 3:17-4:1

I don’t know about her, but I felt great relief that God would be holding her in his arms throughout the day. 

When we were sending her into the hospital, our little miss told my mom that she hoped my mom would have a great day. My mom laughed and said she would try her best. 

I felt terrible, as she must feel when the roles are reversed, leaving her alone at the hospital doors. However, I know she is a tough lady and can take care of herself. My only resolve was to have the children and I stay as close as possible to the hospital should we be needed. 

I met with a friend of mine (Nancy) and we stayed busy with our favorite hobby of geocaching. We started at 10:30am and continued until 6pm. We enjoyed a family style meal at Zoe’s Kitchen. If you have never done this, I must say that it is a great experience for what would normally be a fast food meal (albeit healthier than most). At the location we found near the hospital, we were treated like royalty. They even helped us provide a meal for us to take to my mom!  

While we were wandering around in circles within a couple of miles radius from the hospital, my mom was not having a great day...good but not she later told us. 

Sje arrived and started the extensive preparation for the procedure. Just when she thought she would be going to the surgery room, she was told the surgeon would be delayed an hour. Turns out it was a little longer, but she waited.  I thought it funny that she told me... If my daughter could endure her treatments, then I can endure this. Hmmm... I guess we know who taught me to be so strong. 

We would hear from the surgeon after the procedure. He called and I was convinced we were talking to a game show host...

Is this Michelle Reynolds?  Come on down!!!  You have won the grand prize of picking up your mother in two hours!

I could not have been more pleased. I would gladly wait two more hours to take her home on the same day, instead of the next morning that we had prepared for in our worst case scenarios. 

So Michael came and picked up the crew...six hours was a long time to go in circles. 

Then Nancy and Sean waited with me until the end.  At 6:30pm when there was no sign of mom at the exit doors, I was going in for the rescue. It turned out my mom decided to have some internal bleeding at the entry point of the procedure. Not a good idea to let her go home as planned. The nurses were great about getting the situation under control. She was finally released with instructions to watch the area closely. 

We made it home restless but at peace all would be fine. I was exhausted but left my mom with instructions to call me immediately. I figured it was better to call then walk across the house to find me in the middle of the night. 

No need to worry. When I woke up to check on her the next morning, she was already making her own breakfast. So much for taking care of mom. 

So the end result was finding out she had at most 50% blockage of her arteries. Not bad for an 80 year old woman with high blood pressure!  She was told to consult with her regular cardiologist for medication change. So we will see what happens with that next week. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers for all of our family. We feel so blessed with the results after this long exhausting day. Praise be to God!!


Linda Austin

A perfect first reading for day. Prayers for full recovery.

Angie Fischer Artho

Glad she is doing well. What a great passage to start the day with!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Prayers Accepted in all Languages!

November 3 (Tuesday)...

No update really on my health but I needed to post this quick note in thanksgiving. 

My mom and I went to Mass again. It seemed like the best place to be on Election Day. 

After Mass, we were going to rush off and run some errands before making our way home to work on school with the crew. 

However, three women and a little girl approached me after Mass to thank me for the Zoom party. So sweet!  One of the women asked if they could pray for me to have healing. Of course, I am not going to refuse prayer!  She told me that they prayed better in Spanish if that was OK. I told them that would be beautiful even if I could not understand. And it was so beautiful!  It made my mom and I cry to hear these women pray so fervently for me and my family!  

God is good to place these ladies in my path. Thank you, Jesus!  Gracias a Dios por quien eres!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Offering Up My Suffering for the Church Suffering

November 2 (Monday)...

Today I was not able to go to an in person Mass on All Souls Day because I was having scans done to determine our next plan of action for treatment. 😢

However I did attend via live feed at not one but two parishes because I felt like I needed a double whammy of grace while twiddling away my time in the cancer center. It just seemed like a better use of my time, along with praying for those around me and beyond. 

I was inspired right away by the priest who reminded us that even the smallest suffering or moment of patience in our lives is a moment to join in the suffering of Christ. 

...”if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God.” 1 Peter 2:20

I had already decided that I was going to take any suffering of the day and offer it for all who are having difficult times in our nation. It was nice to have this confirmation of the role of suffering in our lives. 

I had to arrive at the center extra early this morning. Thankfully, with the time change, the sun was already up and ready for us. Having the first appointment of the day does have its advantages. I was in to have my first scan very quickly. I asked if I needed to be accessed... I really need to sop asking and just do it...but told no. So I got my first stick of the day...not too bad. Then filled with a special contrast. This PET scan required a 12-hour fast and an hour wait time after injection. 

That’s gave me time for prayer and then my second Mass of the day. Well, actually only part of one as I had to watch the remainder of the Mass after the scans were completed. I am sure God understood the delay in worship. No worries as I spent the time in the scans reminding myself that I trust God’s plan. I really did just close my eyes and repeat, “Jesus, I trust in you.”  With these calming words and a wonderful blend of essential oils (stress away wafted through my senses at just the right moments it seemed) I happened to remember this morning, I truly felt a peace wash over me throughout the rest of the morning. 

So there I was finished with my first scan. Then on to the MRI of my brain. I would have a cage around my head again. The tech asked why I did not have my port accessed. Ugh!!  I should have just stopped him right there and gone up stairs but he assured me he would make it work with the IV started for previous scan. Nope!  He had to stick me three times and do a little wiggling of the IV needle to get my vein to access. Not fun but I just tried to imagine I was somewhere else. 

Side thought (I know...bare with me!):

So I began to think about Peter while I was in my scans. I was imagining Peter standing in the boat with the stormy waters surrounding him when he  looked out and saw Jesus. Jesus held out his hand to Peter and he chose to take that first step on to the water. And I was there taking that step with him. For Peter he walked but faltered and began to sink and Jesus had to rescue him. For myself, I was laying there in the scans praying and trusting God to help me through this moment. However, I would falter in my prayer and open my eyes and panic. I had to call out to Jesus to remind me that he was there. I would close my eyes and begin anew to concentrate on the prayer and my trust in God. Thank you, Jesus, for being there to catch me when I falter!

MRI complete and then a quick x-ray of my spine for my follow up with Dr. Jude later this week. Now on to my next adventure. What will my afternoon be like?

I made it upstairs to Dr Drengler's office and the receptionist called back to find out if I needed to be in a chemo treatment. Turns out I only needed to have my lab work done and a treatment of bone strengthening medicine. I should have been done quickly, but my medicine was not ordered. So I ended up waiting until 1230 for the treatment which meant two hours of waiting.

I ended up sitting beside Frank, who was a new patient with lymphoma. Interesting that he is a bike racer and only discovered his cancer due to a major wreck during a race. He thought he had just bruised his muscle and his leg but it never seem to recover. Long story short after many trials, he was there sitting beside me in the chemo room. We felt it was providential, especially when we found we share a birthday. Maybe we will continue to see each other in the chemo room. 

All done and headed home to find my children had completed all their school work. So we had a nice quiet afternoon. An early dinner and a movie night. 

All is well that ends well. Praise be to God!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Zooming to the Saints

November 1 (Sunday)....weekend update

Friday I had an interesting encounter. My mom and I had just made it home from going to church and shopping. I was unloading the back of the vehicle when a young couple walked up. They looked familiar but I was not sure. Then I realized that they were the couple we hired to help build my sun room!  I had not seen them in almost two years!  They asked how we were doing and i told them about my cancer. I also told them how important the sun room had been in my recovery, especially during the early days.  

The woman told me that she was diagnosed with cervical cancer right after they helped with the sun room. She had almost all her cervix removed and the doctors told her she would never have more children. Her husband said that could not be right because he knew God wanted them to have another daughter. A year ago, she went to the doctor telling him she thought she was pregnant but the doctor insisted she was wrong. The couple begged the doctor for an ultrasound. Not only did they find that she was pregnant but her cervix was completely healed. They now have another beautiful daughter!!!  They told me to never doubt God’s ability to heal. Such an amazing witness to God’s love!!  God is good!!

Our Saturday was restful  ....just sitting around the house. It drove me a little crazy because it was such a beautiful day. However, it was the right choice because today was such a full day. 

Sunday morning, we woke up with an extra hour to enjoy because we woke up and rushed around before realizing no one had set the clocks back. We went to Mass and celebrated all the saints, the Holy Ones named and unnamed, who rejoice in heaven with God. Fr. Martin spoke of the communion of saints and how we are called to be with them.  

We are known as the Church Militant here on earth...not because we are fighting but because we are striving for a life that follows God’s will. The only battle is within ourselves!   God is merciful and loving...he wants us to be with him. 

And so we celebrate the saints for their example they give us by living for Christ. And we did not fall short today. We celebrated with a Zoom party. I made up bags with prizes, game supplies, food and treats!  We gave them out to all the families. Then we had the best little Zoom party with so many sweeties all dressed up like their favorite saints or those not dressed up told about their favorite. It was so nice. Not quite the same as in person party but we had fun nonetheless.


To add to our busy day, we also had a 4-H get together. We stayed for a short time to talk about starting a wildlife project. I also talked to some ladies about how crazy blessed I feel with cancer. I nice evening with several families albeit short, mainly because I did not feel comfortable in such a big group setting. 

Then we were home again to relax a little before prayer and bed.

The week starts with a bang..,8am appointment for a brain MRI and full pet scan. Then an x-ray of my back and lab work. There is rumor I have chemo in the afternoon but I think that is a mistake. We will see when I get there. 

Keep up the prayers. I pray for you as well. God bless you!!!


Angie Fischer Artho

What an amazing testimony of healing from that couple! How wonderful that they were able to share it with you. Surely that was God's work in that little casual meeting. Prayers and hugs for you today as you go through all the testing.


Angie Fischer Artho

What an amazing testimony of healing from that couple! How wonderful that they were able to share it with you. Surely that was God's work in that little casual meeting. Prayers and hugs for you today as you go through all the testing.