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Thursday, November 29, 2012


I have not been writing a lot on my blog lately (This will change in the next few weeks as Advent begins on Sunday and I want to share my thoughts on the season!).  It is not because we have not been doing a lot, although our activities have slowed down.  You cannot keep this crew idle for long!

However, around this time of year when the temperatures get below freezing, I tend to hibernate.  I tell people that I think my blood freezes around 45 degrees...I just cannot seem to get it together and function after that point.  So, the best thing for me to do is stay in my pajamas until it warms up each day!

You know the boys do not mind, as they get to stay in bed a little longer each morning as well.  But the odd part for me is that I tend to go to bed a little earlier in the evening as well.  Therefore, if you know me, you can see why I do not get much writing done on my blog.  All my serious (and extra) work gets done after the boys go to bed!  It is my down time at the end of the day and writing this blog is one of those things I like to do to unwind after a busy day of activities.

The last couple of weeks I have missed this 'therapy' and decided that even though I want to snuggle in my warm bed, I would take some time to write each night anyway.  My husband suggested that I just take my laptop to bed with me but, in spite of what some of you think, I just cannot bring myself to that level of technology just yet!

SO...what have we been doing lately?  A lot of schoolwork!  We have been doing what I like to call  'speed schooling.'  Our regular leisurely pace as been put on fast mode as we are doubling up on school so we can finish a second quarter before the holidays.  We usually take the entire month of December off but we have postponed that break until we finish as well.

Why the change in schedule?  We are getting ourselves ready for the return of Michael and Amanda.  We will still be preparing for the big event of the season (more on that later!) However, Michael will be home from his deployment in January and Amanda is coming home for a visit soon after.  We just could not do school work while this was happening!  Their arrival coming around this time of year will bring new meaning to our Advent devotions so I will talk about this some more in the weeks to come as well.

Going through school in this quick way might seem pointless but we are still learning and enjoying the lessons (for the most part!).  Last night we did a fun science experiment!  I wish we could have taken pictures but it was not possible.  We have been studying about weather.  The experiment was easy and I will not tell you the out come because I want you to try it yourself!  Grab a blown up balloon and head to a dark closet!  Rub the balloon on your head and hold out your opposite hand in a fist.  Bring the balloon close to your hand without touching!  Observe closely to see what happens!  It was so awesome!

We also watched the installation of our new bishop yesterday.  We had wanted to attend the ceremony in person but it was not possible. We were thankful to be able to watch on the internet instead.  It was still a beautiful ceremony and we can see that our bishop understands the younger population in his diocese.  We look forward to seeing him on Saturday (more on that later!)

We did not have a big Thanksgiving dinner with family this year.  We decided to stay home and enjoy each other.  However, last Saturday was my mother's birthday, so we headed her way to spend the day with her.  It was a quick trip but it was worth the drive.  All of my siblings got together to help buy her a special clock she had her eye on for some time.  It is a funny clock that moves the numbers around to music on the hour!  It is called a rhythm clock!  Also, we enjoyed meal time with two of my brothers along with the interesting conversation.  It was a good time!

The next day the boys and I had the joy of assisting the priest at Mass.  The boys were all altar servers and I was a lector.  This was especially nice because it is one of our favorite feast days of the year...Christ the King.  The boys carried in the two crowns of Christ, the crown of thorns and the magnificent glorified crown!  Our dear friends in the back pew took on the role of grandparents without a hitch and held Zaira and Brendan while I read about the glorified Christ in Revelation chapter 1.

The boys also made their first big purchase on their own.  They have  been saving for many weeks for a Kindle Fire.  They had the money saved but I asked them to wait for a good deal as I knew the holiday shopping would give them a better deal.  Sure enough the week before Thanksgiving the shopping frenzy began and the boys were able to get their Kindle Fire for a 'steal.'  They are pressing me to get games and books on their device.  If only they knew how little I know about technology, but I am learning.  I wonder what my grandparents would say if I told them I was reading a book that is in a cloud?  It even baffles my mind and have no desire to know how it works!  Our world will never be the same! Will our children ever just look up at the sky and see an elephant shaped cloud?  Seems to me we will need to have no-tech days during our winter vacation!  I would hate for them to miss out on such adventures!

We have also enjoyed watching Zaira grow.  She is such a joy!  She is already rolling from side to side and trying to sit up on her own.  The boys love to watch her do sit-ups!  It is hard tobelieve she is almost 4 months old!  She is also showing us how smart she is as she not only sits and observes her world but wants to interact with it and those in it.

Zaira has taken in the Kindle fun!  In just a week, she has figured out that Brendan's puzzle game is a lot of fun!  Once a piece of the puzzle is in place, you can click on it and it spins around.  Zaira noticed this and likes to touch the screen to make it spin.  Also, after the puzzle is complete, balloons appear and you can pop them by touching them.  Zaira gets upset with Brendan if he pops them all and does not give her a turn.  How does a less than 4-month-old baby figure this out?!  I would not believe it if I did not see it for myself!  The picture shows her little hands in motion...notice her feet trying to pull the Kindle close to her as well!  Amazing!

Much to do in the next few weeks.  I am looking forward to sharing them with you.  IF I can get out of my warm fuzzy blanket, I will type up some of our adventures and Advent traditions.  It will be good motivation for me to not be a grouchy old bear!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Have I Got A Deal for You!

Black Friday...Cyber Monday...they've got nothing on us!

As Christians, we have the real thing!  The best gift of all times and best of all there is enough to go around for everybody...just one have to believe the impossible!

You must believe that God...Supreme Being of EVERYTHING!!!!...came down to earth...left his throne in be born a man.  And what is more...He was willing to sacrifice His life to save us!  He took on a crown of thorns and was ridiculed and suffered...beaten and battered...forced to take up His own cross and be crucified.

While on the cross, He was presented between two thieves.  These two argued over Jesus...the bad thief ridiculed Jesus further...the good thief asked Jesus to remember him in His kingdom (Luke 23:32-43).  Are we to be like the bad thief, rejecting Jesus in the end?  Or will we be like the good thief, begging for mercy and receiving the finest gift?

Today the readings for Mass lead us to this understanding.  We began reflecting on the prophecy of Daniel in the OT...Daniel 7:13-14..."the Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship."  We then read in the Gospel of John, Pilate asking if Jesus is king of the Jews...John 18:33-37.  And, then the glorification of Jesus in Heaven was read in Revelation 1:5-8.

Past...present...and future...Jesus is the king of all!

Jesus once wore the crown of thorns, but He now sits on His throne in glory!  The deal of a life time will lead us to paradise for eternity!  So, forget all those sales and spend this time reflecting on how you can prepare yourself for that eternity.

During the next few weeks, I will be adding blog posts about Advent-the time we set aside this world and focus on the next.  I hope you will join me in our traditions or at least reading about them (maybe think about it for next year).  This is my favorite time of the year.  Not because of the gifts and music or decorations.  Instead, it is because of the time I spend reflecting on my life and the end result.

May God bless us as we enter into this time of year!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

What is Thanksgiving like in our house?  Well, as I told my husband this is a good thing I know what I am thankful for the other 364 days of the year!

Normally, we have a nice turkey dinner just like the millions of other families across the nation.  Most importantly, we go to Mass and celebrate the ultimate thanksgiving feast in the Eucharist.  Sometimes this is done with other family members, but lately it has become more of an intimate dinner with just the children.

However, this year Michael and Amanda are away.  We chose not to go to spend the holiday with others.  AND...I am sick!  Nothing too terrible...just a nasty cold that got into my chest and does not sound pretty. can imagine...I do not want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.  And...I am sure the boys do not want me hacking over their meal anyway.  I guess it was a good thing I did not plan to be around others, right?

The boys have decided that they can handle the cooking...yet another thing to be thankful for this year....boys that can cook!  They made cherry pie and sweet potato pie.  We did not do a big turkey but had turkey breast instead.  Then they made a delicious vegetable medley of asparagus and Brussels sprouts.

The big surprise was cutting open what we think is butternut squash...picked from our crazy run away garden.  Let me start by saying...the squash never did turn yellow like butternut squash normally was green even though it was obviously ready to be picked.  So when it was cut open we were surprised to find that it smelled like cantaloupe!  I decided to cook it regardless and it was so tasty!

We had a lovely dinner mid afternoon and then enjoyed watching The Andy Griffith Show while we took turns getting cleaned up for church.

Mass was a small group but we enjoyed the time worshiping together.  I read from Paul's letter to the Corinthians (1:3-9).  I placed it here in its entirety because it just touched on how I feel today:

Brothers and sisters:
Grace to you and peace from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I give thanks to my God always on your account
for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus,
that in him you were enriched in every way,
with all discourse and all knowledge,
as the testimony to Christ was confirmed among you,
so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift
as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He will keep you firm to the end,
irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is faithful,
and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

So, regardless the day's events...good and bad...I am thankful.  I am blessed to be alive and have a wonderful family.  I have a husband who loves me (I love him too!).  I have children who know the importance of the Lord.  I am satisfied with these blessings today and always...lest I never forget...I am thankful for a day like today to remind me!

God bless everyone and happy Thanksgiving Day!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Shooting Guns and Birds

Well...we Edward and Henry shot the guns...Sean, Brendan and I only shot pictures of birds with our camera!  We all had a great time!

Yesterday, I headed out to a camp in the middle of no where so Edward and Henry could enjoy a shooting sport camp.  They came back this evening with stories to tell of their adventure.  It was funny listening to the two boys talk about the first night.  Edward said that Dustin talked a lot and just when he thought they were going to get to shoot a gun, Dustin talked some more!  LOL...the patience of a 9 year old is not abundant!  But they finally did get to shoot a gun.  They shot a paint gun while going down a zip line.  Henry and Edward were proud of their score of 8 in this first challenge.  I am not sure how that measured up with the other campers but I am impressed.  I would not have been able to shoot at line...gun...not a combination I would enjoy, but they loved it!

Then today they had the opportunity to shoot recurve bows, throw shovels, knives, stones and tomahawks, shoot various rifles.  At one point they were shooting at targets that exploded...they were not told ahead of time so imagine their surprise when it happened. They were divided up into teams to gain points for a prize at the end of the day.  It sounds like Henry and Edward enjoyed their time and gained points for their different teams.  Henry's team one in the end but it sounds like it was an even race until the end. (Not a lot of pictures but might find some later on a website to share.)

While they were shooting guns, the rest of us woke up early this morning to go to a birding event.  We learned bout birding through various activities set up the university students.  It was a little chilly so we got off to a rough start but it soon warmed up enough to enjoy the event.  We saw our good friend Tamberly from the Forest Service.  She gave us several new resources to use with our wildlife group.

Then we got to go through a bird Olympics to learn about the senses and movement of birds.  We learned about how birds have different types of beaks to eat their food.  We went on a bird hike and found several birds of interest, including American Kestrel  Yellow-belly sap sucker, Warbler, Mourning dove, Phoebe, and more!  We came back just in time for Sean to run through the Bird Olympics course with Tamberly, while Brendan sorted through bird cards.  Then we went  go to arts & crafts to make our own version of bird with adaptations of our choice.  We left the event after a yummy bird snack.

We got home to fix lunch.  We knew we would be gone to pick up the boys at dinner time, so we made a big meal at this time.  We were happy to use some of the delicious eggplant picked from the garden.  We made Eggplant Parmesan and did not even think twice about having seconds!  It was so good!

We got back from picking up Henry and Edward (listened to their stories of camp all the way home!) just in time to get everyone cleaned up and into bed.  A great weekend!  Hoping to continue it with Religious Ed and Mass tomorrow.  An early morning so I should get to bed!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

I was so excited when I found out we had not missed our annual celebration of the veterans at a local school.  I thought I had missed it going on retreat last week but thanks to the government setting the 'official' holiday today, the school postpone the celebration as well.   We almost missed hearing about the change as well so we raced out the door shortly after breakfast in time to get to the school.

I cannot tell you how special this event is to our family.  We always feel so blessed when we go to this event.  The community really goes to a lot of effort to show the veterans how special they are to us.  From the the recognition of EVERY individual the playing of Taps...and the special lunch provided to all who attend...there is nothing better!

We found ourselves sitting in front of a dear woman who served in the Signal Corps during World War II.  While we waited for the program to begin, she told us all about leaving her home in Montana to join in the war efforts.  She met her husband (who was a "Southern boy") and moved to Texas.  She said it was harder to be respected in the South as a woman...she had a hard time finding work that suited her at first but slowly she found jobs where she could be respected.  She worked as the manager of a fabrics store and later as a pipe inspector.  And many other interesting jobs in between, as well as be the wife to her husband and mother to two children!  She was such a joy to talk to and we were blessed to have our picture taken with her as well.

During the program we saw many performances...the Highsteppers...individual singers...recognition of the veterans who attended the school and the community...a special veteran remembrance...and more!  I was especially touched by the story of the local man who joined the military at the age of 16 years old (he lied about his age!) and served with pride in spite of the many hardships that he faced.  I was touched by the words "When you attacked America you attacked ALL of America...and all worked to make things right."  I just wonder how our country feels about that now.  It seems that most people go through their day and might not even think about the soldiers who are risking their lives.  What happened to the time when our country sacrificed to help the military at all costs?  I think that there are many who understand but there more who take for granted the efforts of our military.  

We then went to lunch with the Veterans.  We usually sit off to the side of the room but chose to sit among the veterans today.  We spoke with one Vietnam veteran who was so happy to talk to Zaira.  He even gave her his American flag pin for her to remember him.  I told him we would not forget him and pray for him and his wife.  

The boys each went around and thanked as many of the men and women as they could before leaving.  Then as we were walking out a nice couple wanted to see the baby.  It turned out to be the man who shard his story during the celebration!  We were able to talk to him and his wife and even got another picture with them!

We were so blessed by this experience and it carried throughout the day our love for  God and country!  

We headed out for our Monday afternoon routine for Sean's speech session.  Then we raced back the other direction in time to spend time with another group of special people...the residents at a local nursing home.  To read more about this blessing read my other blog.

We got home in time for dinner and then watched a movie.  Normally we would not watch a movie on a school night but this one was a special treat.  It was called "Time Changer" and was about a man from 1890 who wrote a book stating morals could be taught without mentioning Jesus!  Another professor told him, "Satan is not opposed to good morals, only to salvation through Jesus Christ!"  He was then sent into time to today's world.  After three days he changes his mind.  It was very good!  

A great way to end the already awesome day!  Special blessings to all the Veterans, especially our own personal veteran working hard to protect this country!  We love you, Michael!  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bee Keeping and Retreat

Tonight we got the boys to their beekeeper's meeting with time to spare!  We were loaded down with snacks for the group as Sean had volunteered us for this task last month.  We tried to stay with recipes that had honey...Sean made coconut macaroons with honey drizzled over the top.  Henry made a honey cake (much like a cheese cake with honey).  I decided we need something a little more substantial so I made a 7-layered bean dip as well (The bees helped pollinate the veggies in the dip, right?).  Another member also brought a HUGE platter full of homemade ginger snaps and snickerdoodles.

The meeting began with election of officers and then the boys helped present about the bee tree experience.   The adults spoke more than my crowd-shy boys!  Hard to believe these boys who are so loud any other time spoke in whispered voices in front of this group!   Makes me wish for a group of adults to suddenly appear around bedtime each night!  LOL!

Sean also spoke about his 4H recordbook as requested by our beekeeper association.  His theme was entomology and I read the portion related to beekeeping to the group.  They were impressed that he related the life of an insect to his 4H career thus far.

After a talk about homemade bee tools from David (our association president), we enjoyed the snacks and headed home.  Marie (a new friend from the group) was set to watch the boys the next day but her vehicle was not working so she asked to stay the night so I could leave as planned.  This just shows how much I can count on this dear friend.  I was so grateful that she would go the extra length to help us.

So, I raced home to assure that the boys were settled in bed and Marie would have a place to sleep.  Wouldn't you know the boys were wound up and not ready to sleep as they I really needed to leave by 9pm to make it to the retreat center.  The boys insisted that they would settle down and go to sleep...of course we are dealing with four boys ages 3 years old to 15 years old so what can be expected?!?  I left knowing that Marie and Henry would help get them to sleep.  Besides, they could always sleep in if they stayed up late!

Zaira and I were on our way to our retreat training.  Thankfully, Zaira quickly fell asleep and I did not!  We arrived at the center by 1am and went right to sleep in their comfy beds!

I woke up the next day to all of my retreatant friends surrounding the baby!  It was such a joy to have them meet Zaira as they had prayed for her for so long.  We settled into our class schedule and Zaira was a sweet baby sleeping and cooing through the sessions.

I was able to learn about spiritual community in assisting a directee on the right path to a Christ-centered life.  We also reviewed a lesson on how to determine if a path was truly Spirit-driven.  This came mainly from the knowledge of the fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5.

We then went through some case studies in group discussion and through role-playing exercises.  This is a very helpful set up for our group.  We work really well at taking this training seriously but also enjoying the time.  We always know when we are getting to bogged down and need to lighten up the experience...Fr Dan is especially good at helping us laugh but the others take their turns as well.  I think the fellowship is just as important as the training.  Such a joy to spend the weekend with them all!

Zaira shared her talent for singing before we headed home...she could not resist as one of my friend heard Zaira liked "Ave Marie" so began the song.  We were all so blessed when Zaira joined in with her own version!  I hated to leave the beautiful setting but we also knew it was time to head home.  Zaira was so good as she stayed awake watching out the window most of the trip.

In the mean time, the boys enjoyed a day of fun with Marie.  They played board games...drew dinosaurs...learned a new drawing game...and took a walk that ended with picking vegetables from our neighbor's garden!

Then Saturday they made biscuits and gravy from scratch with Anitra.  This was followed by a trip into town for a Veteran's Day parade.  They returned home and took a walk around our property.  They even had dinner in the slow-cooker when I got home!

That only left me to make some lemon bars for the church fundraiser that would take place the next day!  And arrange all our desserts n nice serving platters for auction.  I even made it to bed at an early hour anticipating the next day.  I always look forward to this event as my church family gathers in thanksgiving.

Without going into a lot of details about our Sunday morning, I had a panic of events that did not allow me to get to the fundraiser as planned.  The boys made it in time for Mass thanks to a friend..I would make it just in time for the dinner.  I was able to help with clean up and we returned home after a full day.  I will later write more about this experience as it unfolds over this next week.  Many lessons can be learned from this situation.  I feel like much of what happened reinforced what I learned on retreat.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After

I woke up this morning with a deep desire to pray.  I again turned to my morning prayer and found myself consoled.  In spite of the results from last night, I do believe that God is in control.

The first Psalm I prayed was Psalm 86..."In the days of distress I will call and surely you will reply....Show me, Lord, your way so that I may walk in your truth."  Then from Psalm 98..."Rejoice at the presence of the Lord for He comes to rule the earth."  And finally, from Job 1:21..."We accept good things from God; and should we not accept evil?"  This was followed by the prayer, "Incline my heart according to your will, O God!"  

I am reminded that God is in control.  God does not send evil into this world...humanity, with the gift of free will, chooses evil over goodness.  Yet, God is the final victor.  

After prayers, I went to my email and found a message from a wise friend.  He wrote (in its entirety because it is such a good message): 

"We don’t serve men… we serve a God in heaven who knew the outcome of this presidential election before the first vote was cast. And we’re living in this particular time for a reason… God wouldn't have put us here in this moment in history if He didn't have a purpose for us.

God knows our hearts and He knows our strongest desire is to save His children from the sin of this nation, but God’s plan for us is not an easy road. If it were easy we wouldn't have been forged in the fire for this great battle. We've been prepared for the days to come and we must be thankful. We need to rejoice because God is the victor – not a politician (Republican or Democrat).

How much sweeter is the victory when every path of escape, but God, has been closed off? When all hope is lost and our enemies surround us – that’s is when our eyes must turn toward heaven and remember where our salvation is assured. 

God in heaven – eternal and undefeated. 

The final vote will be cast by God – and His vote is the only one that matters.

“The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” – Proverbs 21:1

I thank God for being our strength.  Today I will pray with more purpose.  I will go about my activities with more desire to show God's love.  

I am sending this post out early because we will be home late and I wanted this message to go out.  God bless our nation!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

I woke up this morning and prayed for our nation.  I opened my prayer book and read from Psalm 85 which states that God has blessed the us your mercy Lord!  Then I read from Isaiah 26 and read the prayer that to God for "a notion of of firm purpose you [God] will keep in peace"  Ending with Psalm 67 that says, "Let the nations be glad and exult for rule the world with justice."  I was at peace that God would lead our nation in the right path on this  election day.

Now, I am numb as I think of the results of this election.  I think that the best thing to do is go to sleep tonight.  I will wake up in the morning and begin my day as I do every day...praying for our nation and for conversion.  Praying that this nightmare...not because of the election outcome...that has consumed our nation will end.

The feeling of dread as I realize that we really do live in a world that only cares about the next hand out and not how to give a hand.  It breaks my heart to think that there are more people who expect the government to take care of them than responsible adults who learn to take care of themselves.

Then, I go back to the quote above from Psalm 67...God gave us this what our nation needed?

I close with this thought...May God be merciful to our nation but may He also come down hard on us in punishment if that is what will break our hardened hearts!  I cannot help but think of the days of the OT Israelites and their desire for an earthly king.  God gave them what they asked for by presenting them with Saul and then many others throughout time who often led them astray.  This was not the will of God but His allowing His people to have free will.  Oh, how that will of the people can bring us to our knees!

To God be the glory in all things!  I continue to trust in Him!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Praying for Our Nation

The outcome of our nation is heavy on my heart the election tomorrow just will not leave my mind.  I do not have a sense of worry so much as that of concern.  Is there a difference? I just want the citizens of our nation to pray and seek wisdom before going off to vote.  Yet, I know that God has a plan bigger than we can understand and He will use the choices of humanity to His end.

I began the day with morning prayer...I read from James 2:12-17..."Always speak and act as men destined for judgment under the law of freedom....My brothers, what good is it to profess faith without practicing it?"  How can we not vote our conscience tomorrow?  We must with informed wisdom choose the greater of the two men to serve our nation as leader!  I cannot tell anyone who to vote for in this election, but I can tell you that the person who will uphold the truths of freedom that so many have fought and died for in our nation is the one that will serve our country well.

So, we went about our work, art class, and even a trip to the college ministry to clean out closets of altar supplies.  Always with the thoughts of the election on my mind.  It is all about people making choices...we make choices everyday for ourselves.  Tomorrow we are making a choice for our nation.  Will those who choose to selfishly think only of their own welfare please stop and think about those around you as well?  Stop taking until our nation is broken!  Take the time to see the full picture of your actions!

Amanda called to tell me about her internship ending.  A ceremony with special honors took place today.  She was given several awards for her strengths in the program.  She even got a special award for her efforts.  I am so proud of her and know that she will be successful as she continues to make her way in the world.  I pray for all our young adults (especially Amanda) to learn to discern life.

We rushed home to grab our cupcakes (made earlier in the day)...Lemon Meringue Cupcakes!  Then off to take Sean to his county 4H meeting.  While he was in his meeting, I was able to focus on the prayers for our 40 Days for Life rally.  May God give me the wisdom to speak to those in attendance tonight!

Then the phone call from the woman living with us at this time.  Our little car she is driving has a dead battery!  She must have left the lights on ALL DAY!!!!  I try to jump start the car but nothing is helping!  It is dark so the only option is to leave it overnight!

We race to get to a church and it turns out we are earlier than anyone else!  Others trickle in to the church where we gather for prayer.  We share stories of our experiences at the abortion clinic.  We had some stories of being able to talk to the women who enter the clinic.  We spoke about the court cases filed against them...the doctor who frequents the clinic...the case referencing a possible abortion performed at the clinic....the women who know abortion is wrong but choose to go to the clinic anyway.  We also spoke of the success of the national 40 Days for Life campaign...saving over 600 babies and the prayer to end abortion spreading across the world.  And most of all, we prayed!

I read from Psalm 31...I broke the Psalm into three parts and showed how it relates to women who choose abortion.  Did you know that it is believed that 40% of women who abort are church-going women?  I spoke to those present about the beginning of the Psalm as a woman who is strong in her faith.  She knows that her strength comes from God.  Yet, at some point she makes a wrong choice.  The second part is that of despair...she has lost her way and feels like everyone around her is judging her choices.  There is no hope in her life.  Will we be the one to help her or judge her and cast her aside as worthless?  Then someone urges her to seek forgiveness...God nudges her to come back to her faith!  The third section is that of new hope and forgiveness.  She seeks God's mercy and finds it has always been available to her!  That is why I go out to the clinic to pray...hoping that if I can help just one woman find that Grace then it was worth the time and effort.

I then shared that the society that we live in has the net that traps those who are most vulnerable. The society that thinks nothing of killing a child for convenience does not care about the pain caused by abortion.  Looking at my own experience having children...time and time again being told that abortion would be easier than having a child!  There is not a child that we have been blessed with that I can imagine being without!  Such blessings that God has given us!  These are the traps that tempt women to believe that abortion is the answer.  So we prayed for an end to this mindset in our nation.

I end this post with the thoughts running through my head that God's plan will lead us in the right direction.  2 Timothy 1:7 gives me the courage to go to bed tonight without worry.  "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Creepy Crawlers!

We were all set (meaning it was on my calendar!) to go to this event called Creepy Crawlers.  Then I got an email a couple of days ago and we went from participants to presenters in a matter of minutes!

We were so happy to represent our local beekeepers association at this event.  We took an observation hive to the Native Plant Center.  The boys and I spoke to about 40 youth and their parents about the importance of bees and how a hive works.  It was so much fun!  We were also given little insect collectors, so I sent the boys into their butterfly garden to collect some bees to look at under the magnifying glass.  I was surprise to find Brendan (3yo) right along with the older boys.  He got a nice specimen that we were able to use.  Henry got the prize bee had full pollen sacs!  So cool!

The boys could not resist going around to the other stations at the event.  When things started slowing down at the end of the day, they got to explore.  There were our favorite "Friends of the Forest" group with the snakes.  Then a insect spot for Sean, along with a hike through the woods to hunt for insects.  They had a worm station and arts & crafts (which Brendan loved!).  Then the snack station with ants on a tree cookie...walking sticks...gummy worms...and more!

Brendan came back from the arts & crafts table with a lady bug headband, a stick decorated to look like a snake and a butterfly book.  Our little self-proclaimed genius read his book to me and it was so cute!  He even started with the title and author (not sure what he said for his first name but used our last he must have a pen name!).  The story was all about insects...mainly honey bees and butterflies...the bee was not nice to the butterfly and the dragon fly had to tell the bee to be nice!

Sean and Edward came back from the hike showing off their spiders and butterflies!  Henry spent the rest of his time with the snakes.  I sat and told stories about our bee adventures to the college helper.

A great time was obviously had by all!  And we even got to get Zaira's 12-week butterfly picture!  She does not look very happy in the picture but I think it is because there is a monkey on her sleeper...she has a monkey on her bouncer and she hates it!  One day when she is older she is going to tell people she hates monkeys but does not know why...I will have to remember that the monkey annoyed her.  LOL!

Here is a better picture of our happy girl!

Friday, November 2, 2012

All Souls Day

So, today is the day we remember those loved ones who have gone before us and we pray for them!  Yes...I know this is a strange concept for many who might read this post but it is a Biblical...there are many times when people prayed their loved ones after death.

In 2 Maccabees 12:38-46, Judas Maccabee orders that sacrifices be offered in the Temple in Jerusalem for slain Jewish soldiers who had worn pagan amulets (good-luck charms).   In 2 Timothy 1:18, St. Paul prays for Onesiphorus, who has died.

There is also evidence early in Christian history of prayers for the dead.  The earliest mention of prayers for the dead in public Christian worship is by the writer Tertullian in 211 A.D.

We are connected to the saints in heaven, the saints-in-waiting in purgatory and other believers here on earth.  So, here we throw out a word that some would say is not Biblical.  However, most believe in the Trinity which the word does not exist in and of itself in the Bible.  Purgatory...the place to PURGE us of our to cleanse us of any sins that we had at death.  For nothing unclean can make its way into Heaven....the place of perfection.  Purgatory is a temporary state of being in which the soul is readied for Heaven.  Otherwise, many more of us would find ourselves in Hell!

From another source:  Jesus teaches us, “Come to terms with your opponent or you will be handed over to the judge and thrown into prison. You will not get out until you have paid the last penny.” (Matt. 5:26,18:34; Luke 12:58-59) The word “opponent” (antidiko) is likely a reference to the devil (see the same word for devil in 1 Pet. 5:8) who is an accuser against man (c.f. Job 1.6-12; Zech. 3.1; Rev. 12.10), and God is the judge. If we have not adequately dealt with Satan and sin in this life, we will be held in a temporary state called a prison, and we won’t get out until we have satisfied our entire debt to God. This “prison” is purgatory where we will not get out until the last penny is paid.

SO thankful for Purgatory when I think of my own sinfulness!  And I am also thankful that I can pray for those I love!  Because if you read my post yesterday...I have know way of knowing the fate of my loved ones but have the hope that they will be in Heaven and I will join them one day.

Eternal rest grant onto them o Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy All Saint's Day

All Saints' Day is one of my favorite feast days!  While others are dressing up like scary creatures and who know what (not saying you can't do this...just not for me!), like to look at this day for my fall feast day!

Why?  Because it reminds me of my goal in life!  To one day be in heaven with all the other saints.  The only way for me to get there is to hope for the promises of Jesus to be true and that my belief in Him...our save me from my wretchedness.  Sounds dramatic and out of this world....but oh so true!  I am a sinner and it is only through Jesus that I could possibly get to the place of perfection that He has in store for all who believe in Him.

So, today I remember all those who followed in His way throughout the last 2000+ years, especially those in our times...our parents...grandparents...friends and family...who have gone before us.  And, I dream of the day when we will all be together in heaven.

Since we do not even try to presume who has made it into those 'pearly gates,' we can only pray that our loved ones are in fact there.  I think it is funny that when most people say not to judge others they usually refer to those who have done something wrong.  However, the way I look at it...I have no right to judge those who appear to have done good in their lives either.  We have no idea what is in ANYONE'S we are not to assume anyone is in heaven.  I leave it up to the Greatest Judge who is merciful and all-knowing.

So we went to church this afternoon and listened to the wise teaching from the Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus introduced the Beatitudes to the people (Matthew 5:1-12).  What a message!  Can we really say we want this life of a Christian...and yet with the irony of such a life, we are able to live more fully in Christ!  That is what it means to be a saint!

So glad God gives us the grace we need to continue in this world.  So glad that I too will one day have that opportunity to stand before my Creator and ask to be carried in through those pearly gates because that is the only way I will be counted among the saints in heaven!

So, for all those saints in heaven unnamed and named, may we look to you as examples of Christ in this world.  Praise God that we have been given true heroes of the faith!  May we look to the saints as ever present examples of what Christ asks of us as his followers.  God bless all who have come before us to show us the way throughout time.